About the Authors

is a businessman and entrepreneur who has lived, worked, and studied around the world in diverse societies ranging from Egypt to Austria, Dubai, Malaysia, and China.
A graduate of Harvard Business School's Owner-President Management Program, he speaks to audiences of business and political leaders in multiple countries.
author and editor of seven books, is Professor of History at Florida International University in Miami and president of The Business History Group (businesshistorygroup.com).
His award winning writings include A History of the Kennedy Space Center and Corporate Responsibility. The American Experience. He has lectured around the world and is a member of the Innovation, Equity and the Future of Prosperity team at the Canadian Institute for Advanced Research (CIFAR).

is a historian with expertise in popular history, medical history, family history, and oral history who works accross many different media platforms, including illustrated books, exhibits, videos, and Web sites.
Among her books are The Front Line in the War on HIV/AIDS: Case Studies from the African Comprehensive HIV/AIDS Partnerships; Henry Schein: A History of Success; Building Values and Traditions: One Hundred Years of Coopers & Lybrand; Crane: 150 Years Together.